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~ Born Once - Die Twice; Born Twice - Die Once ~

1 - Preaching! Man's Privilege  
2 - God's Cure for Man's Weakness  
3 - Self-Sufficiency Slain  
4 - How Saints May Help the Devil  
5 - The Parable of the Lost Sheep  
6 - The Parable of the Sower  
7 - The Great Sin of Doing Nothing  
8 - Sin Slain  
9 - A Wise Desire  
10 - Predestination and Calling  
11 - Spiritual Religion  
12 - The First Cry From the Cross  
13 - The Coming Resurrection  
14 - Prayer Day  
15 - The Chaff Driven Away  
16 - The Believer's Challenge  
17 - Struggles of Conscience  
18 - Sovereignty and Salvation  
19 - Spring In the Heart  
20 - The First Resurrection  
21 - The Heart - A Den of Evil  
22 - War War War  
23 - Vessels of Mercy  
24 - Unbelievers Upbraided  
25 - True Prayer - True Power  
26 - The Way to God  
27 - The Treasure of Grace  
28 - The Three Hours' Darkness  
29 - The Teaching of the Holy Ghost  
30 - The Story of God's Mighty Acts  
31 - The Sons of God  
32 - The Scales of Judgment  
33 - The Roaring Lion  
34 - The Meek and Lowly One  
35 - One Antidote for Many Ills  
36 - No Condemnation In Christ  
37 - Man's Weakness  
38 - Climbing the Mountain  
39 - Christ's First and Last Subject  
40 - Christ As a Propitiation  
41 - Cheer Up My Comrades  
42 - Characteristics of Faith  
43 - Between the Living and the Dead  
44 - Adoption  
45 - A Woman's Memorial  
46 - A Testimony to Free and Sovereign Grace  
47 - A Single Eye and Simple Faith  
48 - A Sense of Pardoned Sin  
49 - A Portrait No Artist Can Paint  
50 - A New Year's Benediction  
51 - A Golden Prayer  
52 - Come and Welcome  
53 - Dare to be a Daniel  
54 - Love to Jesus  
55 - Let Us Pray  
56 - Judgment of the Secrets of Men  
57 - Jesus Christ Himself  
58 - Jesus About Father's Business  
59 - Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord  
60 - Humility  
61 - Human Inability  
62 - High Doctrine  
63 - God's Will About the Future  
64 - Free Will - A Slave  
65 - Election  
66 - Election and Holiness  
67 - Effects of Sound Doctrine  
68 - A Christmas Question  
World Turned Upside Down
The World Turned Upside Down - (Charles Spurgeon)...
The People's Preacher
Biography of the life story of Charles Spurgeon...
False Professors Warned
False Professors Solemnly Warned by Charles Spurgeon ...
A Just God
Listen to the words of the great preacher of the 19th Century, Charles Spurgeon, describe the justice of God and ho...
Instability - Charles Spurgeon Sermon...
Heaven and Hell
Heaven and Hell - Charles Spurgeon Sermon...
Christ Triumphant
Christ Triumphant - Charles Spurgeon...
War of Truth
The War of Truth - Charles Spurgeon...
First Cry From The Cross
The First Cry From The Cross - Charles Spurgeon...

( Sermons are listed in ' ' order. )

- - -

- Quotes -
“Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong. It is knowing the difference between right and almost right.” - Charles Spurgeon

“Be not proud of race, face, place, or grace; Proud hearts breed proud looks and stiff knees.” - Charles Spurgeon

“Beware of no man more than of yourself; we carry our worst enemies within us.” - Charles Spurgeon

“If I were a Roman Catholic, I should turn a heretic, in sheer desperation, because I would rather go to heaven than go to purgatory.” - Charles Spurgeon

“Our commission as preachers is to every creature, and, therefore, the more public the teaching of the gospel the better.” - Charles Spurgeon

“Brethern, do something; do something; DO SOMETHING. While Committees waste their time over resolutions, do something. While Societies and Unions are making constitutions, let us win souls. Too often we discuss, and discuss, and discuss, while Satan only laughs in his sleeve... I pray you, be men of action all of you. Get to work and quit yourselves like men.” - Charles Spurgeon

“We shall not adjust our Bible to the age. But before we have done with it, by God's grace. We shall adjust the age to the Bible.” - Charles Spurgeon

“By perseverance the snail reached the ark.” - Charles Spurgeon

“A Jesus who never wept could never wipe away my tears.” - Charles Spurgeon


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“Atheism is rather in the lip than in the heart of man.” - Francis Bacon
Wise Desire Ministries
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