Born Once - Die Twice; Born Twice - Die Once ~ |
Last Days
Final Countdown | | Worst day of your life would have to be this. It's when you wake up one morning only to realize that millions have ... | |
Demonic UFOs | | The UFO Activity - Proof of a Demonic Occult Deception... | |
New Age Connection | | This video touches on the connections found between the fallen angels, the Hindu gods, new age, & the new world ord... | |
Future Tattoo? | | An exhibition of Philips Design Probes in Tokyo, Japan of possiblities of future use with electronic tattoo technol... | |
Tribulation Rising | | Tribulation is swiftly approaching. The signs have been foretold, the prophecies have been revealed, and are now ra... | |
Implanted RFID Virus | | A British scientist has become the first human to be infected with a computer virus.... | |
Moments After... | | The rapture scene from 'The Moment After' - What if it's all true... Are you ready?... | |
Are You Ready? | | Perhaps you are not ready to meet God. This video might help you decide. (Rapture)... | |
Tribulation Dream | | Ken Peters had dreams about end-time and tribulation in 1980. His dream greatly disturbed him, as he had no biblica... | |
No Catholic Rapture? | | In this video I show that the Roman Catholic Church teaches that 'Christians' go through the 7 year Great Tribulati... | |
Watch and Pray | | Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is. - Mark 13:33 (Rapture)... | |
Pre-Trib Wedding? | | Why is Jesus' teaching in John 14:1-3 an analogy of a Jewish wedding which also infers a Pre-Tribulation rapture of... | |
Global Unity | | Bible prophecy speaks of a one world system, political and religious which will be necessary for man to survive.... | |
The Antichrist | | The Antichrist has been depicted a lot in popular media. But our impression of him is not necessarily what popular ... | |
Why the Rapture First? | | In this prophecy update, pastor J.D. Farag begins part one of a series on why the rapture of the church must happen... | |
Prophecy and World Events | | This video of Dave Hunt is from our Dave Hunt Classic video series. Prophecy and relating it to Israel and world ev... | |
Countdown to Eternity | | Where will you spend eternity? What is the world coming to? Is there hope? (Count Down)... | |
Israel Defense '67 | | Virtual explanation of the past, current and future Israeli defense needs. Why it is forbidden for Israel to retrea... | |
Peace & Security | | 'For when they shall say, peace and security; then shall sudden destruction come upon them, as the pains upon her t... | |
Ecumenicalism | | Pope Benedict XVI meets with various Chistian leaders at an Ecumenical service at St. Joseph's Church in NY.... | |
Armageddon | | Armageddon - A segment of the series called The Roots of War. - Chuck Missler... | |
Antichrist a Muslim? | | Will the Antichrist be a Muslim? Find out as Dr. David Reagan interviews a panel of Bible prophecy experts on Chris... | |
Look Up! | | The Bible says that when you start to see catastrophic events, look up! These are signs of the end times.... | |
Israel - Islam | | Truth about the Palestinians, Israel, Zionism and Islam.... | |
Sanhedrin Chamber | | Blueprints and computer animation of the sanhedrin chamber of hew stone.... | |
Support of Israel | | At an event commemorating the first full year of weekly rallies in support of Israel held at Broward Boulevard and ... | |
Earth's Final Battle | | What exactly is the Battle of Armageddon? This video may give you more light to understanding this important subjec... | |
Weak Preachers - JVI | | Jack Van Impe speaks on weak politicians and preachers. Many ways to heaven? Replacement theology? There is only on... | |
Glory Unveiled | | Discover how God's protection, glory and goodness will be unveiled in these last days. Our part as believers is to ... | |
Antichrist Headquarters? | | Where will the Antichrist be headquartered? Find out as Dr. David Reagan interviews a panel of Bible prophecy exper... | |
Antichrist a Jew? | | Will the Antichrist be a Jew? Find out as Dr. David Reagan interviews a panel of Bible prophecy experts on the show... | |
Antichrist Alive Today? | | Is the Antichrist alive today? Find out as Dr. David Reagan interviews a panel of Bible prophecy experts on Christ ... | |
False Christs | | So many false christs have arrived in these end times! Learn how to discern false teachers with Dr. David Reagan an... | |
Charting Prophecy | | See all of history summed up in one comprehensive chart with Dr. David Reagan and Don Perkins on the show Christ in... | |
New Atheist Movement | | The so-called Brights are coming, and it's something to be concerned about. The New Atheist Movement... | |
Jesus Is Coming | | The Bible says 'but he is long suffering toward us not willing that any should perish but that all should come to r... | |
Christ in Prophecy | | What are the major signs pointing to the soon return of Jesus? Find out with guest August Rosado on the show Christ... | |
Messianic Jews | | A very interesting secular news story on Channel 2 news in Israel on the growing Messianic Jewish movement sweeping... | |
The Last Pope? | | St Malachy was the Archbishop of Armagh, to whom were attributed several miracles and a vision of the identity of t... | |
Tribulation Explanation | | Israel in Great Tribulation ( Explanation in scriptural order of the coming Tribulation. )... | |
Armageddon | | The Bible says that the final war of mankind will be fought in a specific geographical place. Taken from the messag... | |
Tribulation Dream (Condensed) | | Ken Peters had dreams about end-time and tribulation in 1980. His dream greatly disturbed him, as he had no biblica... | |
Four Horseman | | Pastor Ray is currently in Revelation chapter 6. He talks about the 4 Horseman also know as the 4 horseman of the A... | |
Encourage One Another | | What does Hebrews 10:25 have to say about the signs of the end times? Find out with guest Gary Fisher on the show C... | |
Dangers of EMP Attack | | In this segment, Chuck Missler discusses the dangers of an EMP attack on the United States. This segment comes from... | |
Coming Soon | | Are you Rapture Ready? - Coming Soon (1 Thess 4:16-18)... | |
Daniel's Statue Prophecy | | The Prophet Daniel sees four immense beasts coming up out of the sea. King Nebuchadnezzar's Statue, Revelation. ... | |
Major Hail Storm in Texas | | Mounds of hail, piling 2-4 feet were seen near the Potter/Moore County line in the Texas Panhandle (041112)... | |
Prophecy Update 09/13/12 | | In this special prophecy update, pastor J.D. Farag takes some time at a midweek Bible study to talk about the event... | | |
“Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.” - John the Baptist |
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