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Last Days

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Final Countdown
Worst day of your life would have to be this. It's when you wake up one morning only to realize that millions have ...
Demonic UFOs
The UFO Activity - Proof of a Demonic Occult Deception...
New Age Connection
This video touches on the connections found between the fallen angels, the Hindu gods, new age, & the new world ord...
Israel, Peace, Tribulation
Rebirth Of Israel, The Coming Peace, The Tribulation Period ...
Future Tattoo?
An exhibition of Philips Design Probes in Tokyo, Japan of possiblities of future use with electronic tattoo technol...
Tribulation Rising
Tribulation is swiftly approaching. The signs have been foretold, the prophecies have been revealed, and are now ra...
Implanted RFID Virus
A British scientist has become the first human to be infected with a computer virus....
Moments After...
The rapture scene from 'The Moment After' - What if it's all true... Are you ready?...
Are You Ready?
Perhaps you are not ready to meet God. This video might help you decide. (Rapture)...
Tribulation Dream
Ken Peters had dreams about end-time and tribulation in 1980. His dream greatly disturbed him, as he had no biblica...
No Catholic Rapture?
In this video I show that the Roman Catholic Church teaches that 'Christians' go through the 7 year Great Tribulati...
Watch and Pray
Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is. - Mark 13:33 (Rapture)...
Pre-Trib Wedding?
Why is Jesus' teaching in John 14:1-3 an analogy of a Jewish wedding which also infers a Pre-Tribulation rapture of...
Global Unity
Bible prophecy speaks of a one world system, political and religious which will be necessary for man to survive....
The Antichrist
The Antichrist has been depicted a lot in popular media. But our impression of him is not necessarily what popular ...
Why the Rapture First?
In this prophecy update, pastor J.D. Farag begins part one of a series on why the rapture of the church must happen...
Rapture, Chaos, Peace, Destruction
Are You Ready To Meet the Lord? If Not, Your Time is Running Out!...
Prophecy and World Events
This video of Dave Hunt is from our Dave Hunt Classic video series. Prophecy and relating it to Israel and world ev...
Countdown to Eternity
Where will you spend eternity? What is the world coming to? Is there hope? (Count Down)...
Israel Defense '67
Virtual explanation of the past, current and future Israeli defense needs. Why it is forbidden for Israel to retrea...
Peace & Security
'For when they shall say, peace and security; then shall sudden destruction come upon them, as the pains upon her t...
Pope Benedict XVI meets with various Chistian leaders at an Ecumenical service at St. Joseph's Church in NY....
Post-Trib Rapture?
Why a post-tribulation rapture can't possibly be correct! ...
Armageddon - A segment of the series called The Roots of War. - Chuck Missler...
Antichrist a Muslim?
Will the Antichrist be a Muslim? Find out as Dr. David Reagan interviews a panel of Bible prophecy experts on Chris...
Look Up!
The Bible says that when you start to see catastrophic events, look up! These are signs of the end times....
All Nations Against Israel
Last Days Bible Prophecy: All Nations Against Israel - Dave Hunt...
Extreme Weather Events & Earth Changes
Worldwide catastrophic events. (May 2012)...
Mark of the Beast
Bio-Microchip Implant?...
History as we know it.
Last Days Believer
What Every Last Days Believer Needs to Know...
Israel - Islam
Truth about the Palestinians, Israel, Zionism and Islam....
Daniel's 70 Weeks
Commentary on Daniel's 70 weeks, by Chuck Missler....
Rapture Study
Rapture study by David Jeremiah....
Sanhedrin Chamber
Blueprints and computer animation of the sanhedrin chamber of hew stone....
Support of Israel
At an event commemorating the first full year of weekly rallies in support of Israel held at Broward Boulevard and ...
Earth's Final Battle
What exactly is the Battle of Armageddon? This video may give you more light to understanding this important subjec...
Weak Preachers - JVI
Jack Van Impe speaks on weak politicians and preachers. Many ways to heaven? Replacement theology? There is only on...
Biblical Evidence for a Pre-Tribulation Catching Away
Perry Stone shows how there is biblical evidence for a pre-Tribulation Rapture or Catching Away of those who believ...
Glory Unveiled
Discover how God's protection, glory and goodness will be unveiled in these last days. Our part as believers is to ...
Antichrist Headquarters?
Where will the Antichrist be headquartered? Find out as Dr. David Reagan interviews a panel of Bible prophecy exper...
Antichrist a Jew?
Will the Antichrist be a Jew? Find out as Dr. David Reagan interviews a panel of Bible prophecy experts on the show...
Antichrist Alive Today?
Is the Antichrist alive today? Find out as Dr. David Reagan interviews a panel of Bible prophecy experts on Christ ...
False Christs
So many false christs have arrived in these end times! Learn how to discern false teachers with Dr. David Reagan an...
Charting Prophecy
See all of history summed up in one comprehensive chart with Dr. David Reagan and Don Perkins on the show Christ in...
New Atheist Movement
The so-called Brights are coming, and it's something to be concerned about. The New Atheist Movement...
Jesus Is Coming
The Bible says 'but he is long suffering toward us not willing that any should perish but that all should come to r...
Christ in Prophecy
What are the major signs pointing to the soon return of Jesus? Find out with guest August Rosado on the show Christ...
Messianic Jews
A very interesting secular news story on Channel 2 news in Israel on the growing Messianic Jewish movement sweeping...
The Last Pope?
St Malachy was the Archbishop of Armagh, to whom were attributed several miracles and a vision of the identity of t...
La Gran Tribulacion
Video que muestra la gran tribulacion....
Tribulation Explanation
Israel in Great Tribulation ( Explanation in scriptural order of the coming Tribulation. )...
Antichrist Brings
The Antichrist And What He Will Bring ...
The Bible says that the final war of mankind will be fought in a specific geographical place. Taken from the messag...
Tribulation Dream (Condensed)
Ken Peters had dreams about end-time and tribulation in 1980. His dream greatly disturbed him, as he had no biblica...
Earth Shattering
Earth shattering events on the horizon....
The Rapture
New World Order
David Jeremiah The New World Order...
World War III
World War III by Dr. Bill Haag...
Four Horseman
Pastor Ray is currently in Revelation chapter 6. He talks about the 4 Horseman also know as the 4 horseman of the A...
Encourage One Another
What does Hebrews 10:25 have to say about the signs of the end times? Find out with guest Gary Fisher on the show C...
Bad Sign of the Times
Wretched: A Bad Sign of the Times. (Homosexuality)...
Dangers of EMP Attack
In this segment, Chuck Missler discusses the dangers of an EMP attack on the United States. This segment comes from...
Signs of the Times
Signs of the Times - Roger Oakland...
Fierce Times Are Coming
Fierce Times Are Coming by Derek Prince...
Coming Soon
Are you Rapture Ready? - Coming Soon (1 Thess 4:16-18)...
EU's Ambassador to the Holy See
The new European Ambassador to the Vatican is a woman. ...
'Truce with Israel over':Rocket exchange
A Palestinian militant group has announced its truce with Israel is over....
Daniel's Statue Prophecy
The Prophet Daniel sees four immense beasts coming up out of the sea. King Nebuchadnezzar's Statue, Revelation. ...
1989 California Earthquake
Several videos from 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake....
Major Hail Storm in Texas
Mounds of hail, piling 2-4 feet were seen near the Potter/Moore County line in the Texas Panhandle (041112)...
Kate Moss Hologram
Demonstration: Hologram Technology...
Here's the REAL EUROZONE Story - Nigel Farage...
Anonymous Christianity
TD Jakes, Oprah and Anonymous Christianity. -Wretched...
Electronic Skin Tattoo
A flexible electronic tattoo...
Prophecy Update 09/13/12
In this special prophecy update, pastor J.D. Farag takes some time at a midweek Bible study to talk about the event...

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“Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.” - John the Baptist
Wise Desire Ministries
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