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Video Sermons

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Tell Catholics the Truth
Tell Catholics the Truth by Mike Gendron (Roman Catholicism)...
Requires Integrity
God Requires Integrity In All Our Dealings With Money! by Keith Daniel ...
Antichrist and Russia
Missionary Evangelism (Rapture) - Dr. Bill Haag (Visuals)...
'Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: ...' - Isaiah 59:15 (KJV) (Sermon by Ke...
Prophet Elijah
Prophet Elijah by Leonard Ravenhill...
Powerful Interview
Powerful Staggering Interview with Leonard Ravenhill...
Yea, hath God said...
The corrupt seeds of Satan were sown in the garden of Eden and for nearly 2000 years has produced a spiritual virus...
The Gift Nobody Wants
The Gift Nobody Wants - Paul Washer...
Apostasy and the Emerging Church
Apostasy and the Emerging Church - Roger Oakland...
Ecumenism, False Shepherds and Doctrines of Devils
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? (...
The Gospel
The Gospel (Paul Washer)...
Sinner's Prayer
This is my favorite excerpt of Paul Washer's message entitled: 10 Indictments of the Modern Church. He's a true mes...
Judgment Seat of Christ
Leonard Ravenhill was a great man of prayer and even more importantly, a man who knew God. He devoted his whole lif...
Prophecy and World Events
This video of Dave Hunt is from our Dave Hunt Classic video series. Prophecy and relating it to Israel and world ev...
World Turned Upside Down
The World Turned Upside Down - (Charles Spurgeon)...
Regeneration vs The Idolatry of Decisional 'Evangelism'
Here's Paul Washer speaking about decisional 'evangelism' and what really constitutes true regeneration at the Deep...
Roman Catholicism - Robert Morey...
Jesuit Pope and Apostate Evangelicals
Looking at the new Jesuit Pope Francis I and naming some of the apostate evangelicals that love him and his church....
Winneth Souls
An Illustrated Sermon By Dr. John R. Rice...
Leonard Ravenhill on repentance. Great message!...
Bible & Homosexuality
Sermon by Pastor John Macarthur on the Bible and Homosexuality....
Befallen Preachers
The worst thing that could ever happen to a preacher is he cares about the people's popularity poll rather than fai...
Israel Stand Alone?
Amir Tsarfati elevates our understanding and knowledge regarding Bible prophecy and current events happening in the...
The Hatred of God
Pastors Paul Washer and Tim Conway preach on a much neglected, despised, but absolutely necessary topic: the hatred...
Keep Your Stinking Feet Out of My Drinking Water
Jack Hyles preaches on the need for a complete, inerrant, and inspired bible and exposes the corrupt modern 'bibles...
Compromising Christianity
Compromising Christianity by Keith Daniel...
What Is Your Life
What Is Your Life by Leonard Ravenhill...
UFOs and the Antichrist
UFOs and the Antichrist by Dr. Bill Haag (Rapture)...
Fear Of God, Lost?
Fear Of God Has Been Lost In The Church...
Exposing False Gospels - Fundamentalism vs. Apostasy - Ian Paisley - ON FIRE!!!...
King James Bible
King James Bible - Dr. Jack Hyles...
Biblical Manhood 2
Are You Ready for a Relationship - Sermon by Paul Washer...
Biblical Manhood 3
A Young Man's Attitude Towards Women - Sermon by Paul Washer...
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
This rendition of Jonathan Edward's famous sermon, 'Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God,' is performed by Jackson ...
War With the Most Casualties
The War Between The Saints by Keith Daniel (Arminianism and Calvinsim)...
Angel of Light
Satan is transformed into an angel of light. Watch this study and see how it is an angel of light behind the new ag...
Biblical Manhood 1
What a Man is Not - Sermon by Paul Washer...
Right Attitude To Money
Right Attitude To Money - Zac Poonen...
Billy Graham 1957
Billy Graham Crusade 1957. God will give you a new heart. God will accept you into His kingdom. God will forgive th...
In the Tribulation
What will life be like for those left behind in the Tribulation? Evangelist Don Perkins explains at the Future Hope...
Desperate Prayer
Desperate Prayer - Leonard Ravenhill ...
Five Most Oft Subjects
The Five Most Oft Subjects Used By Early Preachers - Dr. Jack Hyles...
Real Roots
Real Roots - A Documentary (The Emergent Church)...
A Warning To America
A Warning To America by Keith Daniel...
Ten Indictments
Paul Washer delivers a urgent appeal to the Christians and Churches in North America that many have been believing ...
Turning the Tide
What happens when a nation violates the laws of God? In this powerful message, Dr. Stanley explains what happens wh...
Time to Wake Up
Time To Wake Up By Chuck Smith...
Discipleship 101
Discipleship 101 (Salvation) Pastor Billy Crone...
Conducting Debate
As Christians, how do we stand firm for truth while still maintaining integrity? Should we just capitulate to unbel...
Simplicity of Salvation
In this Sermon, titled 'Simplicity of Salvation', Dr. Rogers tells us how to know with certainty that you are saved...
Just Say No!
The Red River Valley Crusade Just Say No - Billy Graham...
What Is Propitiation? - by Paul Washer ...
False Professors Warned
False Professors Solemnly Warned by Charles Spurgeon ...
Rome's Rapture
Bryan Denlinger - Rapture According to Rome...
Antichrist Convergence
The world is ready to receive a global leader....
The Vision 1973
David Wilkerson - The Vision 1973. David Wilkerson is the Founding Pastor of Times Square Church in New York City. ...
Sermon on the Mount
Keith Daniel, a messenger of God, reciting/preaching the greatest sermon ever, the sermon on the mount, by the grea...
Power of God
Power of God Sermon by Paul Washer....
A Just God
Listen to the words of the great preacher of the 19th Century, Charles Spurgeon, describe the justice of God and ho...
Ready or Not!
Ready or Not! Series :: Matthew 24 ( Greg Laurie )...
Great White Throne
The Judgment of God and the Great White Throne (Paul Washer)...
Saved or Deceived
Is it possible to understand the gospel message, have strong religious convictions, serve in a Bible-believing chur...
God Crushed Jesus
God Crushed Jesus Christ to Save Wretched Sinners - Paul Washer ...
Laodicean Church
Laodicean Church by Leonard Ravenhill ...
Abide in Me
Abide In Me by Keith Daniel...
Full Surrender
Full Surrender by Keith Daniel...
Showing Forgiveness
Showing Forgiveness by Keith Daniel...
Instability - Charles Spurgeon Sermon...
Heaven and Hell
Heaven and Hell - Charles Spurgeon Sermon...
Never, No Never
Never, No Never, No Never. (Charles H. Spuregeon)...
Christ Triumphant
Christ Triumphant - Charles Spurgeon...
Want to be a Millionaire?
So, You want to be a Millionaire? - Dr. Bill Haag...
War of Truth
The War of Truth - Charles Spurgeon...
Pure Heart, Pure Church
Leonard Ravenhill was a great man of prayer and even more importantly, a man who knew God. ...
The Spirit Of Travail
The Spirit Of Travail by Leonard Ravenhill...
The Real Cost
The Real Cost by Leonard Ravenhill...
We Ready To Drink His Cup?
Are We Ready To Drink His Cup? - Leonard Ravenhill ...
Ark Of God
The Ark Of God by Leonard Ravenhill...
God's Compassion
God's Compassion by Leonard Ravenhill...
Woe, Lo, Go - Isaiah 6
Woe, Lo, Go - Isaiah 6 by Leonard Ravenhill...
The Rapture
The Rapture by Dr. Bill Haag...
World War III
World War III by Dr. Bill Haag...
The End of the World
The End of the World by Dr. Bill Haag...
Cremation, You & Prophecy
Cremation, You & Prophecy - Dr. Bill Haag...
The Cave Men in the Bible
The Cave Men in the Bible by Dr. Bill Haag...
666, Science and You
666, Science and You - Dr. Bill Haag...
Symbolic Sun and Christ
The Symbolic Sun and Christ by Dr. Bill Haag...
Bermuda Triangle
The Bermuda Triangle by Dr. Bill Haag...
Ready for the Antichrist?
Are You Ready for the Anti-christ? by Dr. Bill Haag...
Coming to Your Town?
What's Coming to Your Town? by Dr. Bill Haag...
How to Win Souls!
How to Win Souls! by Dr. Bill Haag...
Heaven or Hell?
Heaven or Hell? by Dr. Bill Haag...
Witnesses Against Evolution
The Witnesses Against Evolution by Dr. Bill Haag...
Preaching on Alcohol
Billy Sunday Preaching About Alcohol ...
Christ's Very Own
Christ's Very Own by Ian Paisley...
Mouth Of A Raven
From The Mouth Of A Raven - Dr. Jack Hyles...
I Didn't Know That
I Didn't Know That - Dr. Jack Hyles...
First Cry From The Cross
The First Cry From The Cross - Charles Spurgeon...
House of the Lord
This is The house of the Lord God - Dr. Jack Hyles...
Trial of Your Faith
A Trial Of Your Faith - Dr. Jack Hyles...
Jeremiah Answers Abraham
Jeremiah Answers Abraham - Dr. Jack Hyles...
O Earth, Earth, Earth
O Earth, Earth, Earth - Dr. Jack Hyles...
Taught by God
They will all be taught by God. - John Piper...
Avoiding Lukewarm Christianity
Avoiding Lukewarm Christianity - Mark Cahill...
Sacred Feminine?
Is the notion of the sacred feminine spirit of Sophia really Mystery Babylon the Great: Mother of Harlots? Pastor M...
The Way is Narrow!
We Have Forgotten that the Way is Narrow. - Paul Washer ...
Tokens of His Compassion
Tokens of His Compassion by Leonard Ravenhill...
Travailing by Leonard Ravenhill...
Mormonism isn't Christianity
Differences Between Mormonism and Biblical Christianity, by Ron Rhodes...
Secret Behind Secret Societies
Lucifer and Freemasons, Jesuits, Black Pope, Occult, etc. Much has been written on secret societies. There are nume...
Like The Days Of Noah And Lot
Like The Days Of Noah And Lot - Zac Poonen...
Religion That Sends You To Hell
'Religion That Sends You To Hell!' by Paul Washer...
When the Righteous Suffer
Job: When the Righteous Suffer - John Piper...
The Great Apostasy
The Great Apostasy - David Wilkerson (Sermon Jam)...
Love is the Fulfilment of the Law
If someone tells me that faith is more important than love or hope is more important than love, I turn away because...
Satanic Warfare
The Road To Revival by Keith Daniel...
A Wounded Spirit
A Wounded Spirit And Destroyed Life's by Keith Daniel...
Antichrist, America and Armageddon
Anti-Christ, America, and Armageddon - Greg Laurie...
What Love is This?
What Love is This? - Dave Hunt...
The Queen of Heaven
Pastor Mike Hoggard discusses the connections between Rome's agenda, the Queen of Heaven, and the harlot. Why do th...
Exposing False Religions
EXPOSING FALSE RELIGIONS and Their View of the Lord Jesus Christ!!! - Pastor Lawson...
Falling into Hell!!!
Falling into Hell!!! - Charles Lawson ...
The Hidden Cross
The Cross the Modern Preachers Put in the Back (Paul Washer)...
Solomon's Key Revealed
A mind-blowing lesson. This video of Pastor Mike at the Prophecy Club, shows how awesome and True the Word of God r...
The Lost Symbol
Ancient pagan cultures and founding Freemasons in the United States believed and encoded on the Great Seal and the ...
How to Have a Blessed and Successful Marriage
Ephesians 5 - Greg Laurie...
Vissarion the Demented Russian Antichrist...
How to Abide in Christ
The Lord continues to empty us in order to teach us to lay aside all self-reliance that we might cling to Christ al...
Caesar Or God?
Caesar Or God by Carter Conlon...
Be a Man... Biblically
This is a sermon given by Paul Washer ...
Genius - The Movie
If you think you know everything there is to know about John Lennon, think again. Genius will open your eyes....
Challenge of Islam to Christians
The Challenge of Islam to Christians - David Pawson...
Ignorant of Satans Designs
Don't Be Ignorant of Satans Designs by Tim Conway...
What is God's will for my life?
What is God's will for my life? Book of Proverbs - David Platt...
Biblical Worldview on Singleness, Marriage and Divorce
Matthew 5 - Greg Laurie...
The Foolishness of God
Walter Martin...
Walter Martin...
My Times are in Your Hands
In this study of Psalm 31, Alistair Begg focuses on what it means for the Christian to be able to say, “My times ...

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“A God who let us prove His existence would be an idol.” - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Wise Desire Ministries
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