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My Times are in Your Hands | | In this study of Psalm 31, Alistair Begg focuses on what it means for the Christian to be able to say, “My times ... | |
The Wave | | An experiment in an American High School where students learn how easy it is to be seduced by the same social force... | |
Does God exist? | | William Lane Craig vs Christopher Hitchens - Does God Exist?... | |
Mormon Secrets: Missionaries | | When the Mormon missionaries come knocking at your door, there is more than meets the eye. They say they are Christ... | |
Billy Crone: The Days of Noah | | Was there an advanced high-tech society that was destroyed by a great deluge? How did the ancients acquire this kno... | |
Top 10 Cults | | These groups made headlines due to their belief in a higher power. ... | |
False Jesus in Philippines | | Jesus is in the Philippines! And he asks that you donate your money to him or else you will go to hell! ... | |
JW Interview | | Dr. Walter Martin interviews former Jehovah Witness.... | |
The Keith Green Story | | Keith Green was an intense and radical man of God. He was taken from this Earth at a relatively young age. His lega... | |
PreTrib Rapture Moment 2 | | Pre-Wrath and Post-Tribbers can set the timing of the return of Jesus based on the YEAR in which the Antichrist sho... | |
PreTrib Rapture Moment 1 | | Modern professing 'Christians' might claim to believe in a Pre-Trib. Rapture, but their lives prove that they aren'... | |
Witnesses of Jehovah | | The movie that has stirred up so much interest in Watchtower history and controversial flip-flops in doctrine. ... | |
New Age Movement | | How does one get saved out of the New Age Movement? Hear the wonderful spiritual journey of guest Warren Smith on t... | |
I am Second® - Tim Ross | | When Tim Ross was sexually abused as a young child, it started a chain reaction of consequences. First was protecti... | |
Genius - The Movie | | If you think you know everything there is to know about John Lennon, think again. Genius will open your eyes.... | |
How to Abide in Christ | | The Lord continues to empty us in order to teach us to lay aside all self-reliance that we might cling to Christ al... | |
Kevin Thompson Family Loss | | Kevin Thompson has a very powerful testimony from his life and what he went through before becoming a Christian.... | |
Vissarion | | Vissarion the Demented Russian Antichrist... | |
Israel PM Addresses UN | | On September 27, 2012, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu addressed the General Assembly of the United... | |
Prophecy Update 09/13/12 | | In this special prophecy update, pastor J.D. Farag takes some time at a midweek Bible study to talk about the event... | |
Food Getting Among Animals | | 'Food Getting Among Animals' is a 1956 film by the Moody Institute of Science's Educational Film Division. This sho... | |
Living With The Atom | | 'Living With The Atom' is a 1957 film by the Moody Institute of Science's Educational Film Division. This short fil... | |
Quotes From Leonard Ravenhill | | Ravenhill was a close friend of pastor and writer A. W. Tozer. He was a mentor to the late Keith Green. Others infl... | |
The Millennium | | Is Jesus returning to reign from Jerusalem for a thousand years? Find out as Dr. David Reagan interviews a panel of... | |
The Lost Symbol | | Ancient pagan cultures and founding Freemasons in the United States believed and encoded on the Great Seal and the ... | |
Prophecy Update 09/02/12 | | Pastor J.D. Farag takes and in-depth look at the prophecy found in Psalms 83 concerning an attack on Israel to wipe... | |
Barrel bomb explodes in Syria | | The Hamidiya neighborhood of the city of Homs was shaken by a homemade 'barrel bomb' attack on Saturday, according ... | |
Are We Living in the EndTimes | | Grant Jeffrey gives some one time only prophecies that prove we are in the last days described in the Bible just be... | |
Prophecy Update 08/19/12 | | Pastor J.D. argues from scripture how, with a certainty we, can know this is the final generation alive at the rapt... | | |
“Be not proud of race, face, place, or grace; Proud hearts breed proud looks and stiff knees.” - Charles Spurgeon |
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